Joining a friend via “Join Session” should now be working as intended.Fixed a few instance to better align UI elements.When unlocking a specific event, the correct cinematic should now be playing.VoIP settings are working more reliably, and the VoIP icons are displayed correctly.Fixed a corrupted frame that would appear during the Sand Timer race event.
#Need for speed hot pursuit 2 updates Patch#
#Need for speed hot pursuit 2 updates update#
The team also worked on a few other things, so let’s jump into the more detailed update notes:

You can access both the wrap editor and the pre-made wraps from the showroom. In addition to that, most cars have also received a couple of pre-made wraps to add more variety. Functionality to report inappropriate wraps has been implemented at the end screen of a multiplayer race.The decal limit for each wrap is 300 decals or 100 MB, whichever is reached first.Customized wraps can be seen in online races, including in cross-play.Player-made wraps are personal only and cannot be shared between players.

If you’ve played a recent Need for Speed title, you should be quickly familiar with the wrap editor.

This allows you to customize your cars, apply your own style, and stand out of the crowd. This patch introduces a brand new feature that has not been in the original Need for Speed Hot Pursuit game: A Wrap Editor! Tomorrow, February 25, we’ll be releasing Patch 2 for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered on all platforms.