The net rake is not affected by this jackpot. Meaning: The jackpot charge and the payouts cancel each other out in the (very) long run. But in the long run the Jackpot is re-distributed evenly among all players and no additional fee is taken. GGPoker charges an additional 1BB once the pot equals or exceeds 30BB for the Big Hand Jackpot.
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If you want to help me out and improve this comparison with better real-life data from other stakes, feel free to send me a message GGPoker Big Hand Jackpot extra rake But this doesn’t change the relative differences between operators or the net rake by a significant amount. Thus the absolute rake for higher and lower stakes might be over- or underestimated. This slightly overestimates average pot sizes for higher stakes and underestimates pot sizes for lower stakes. There is a small caveat though : The real-life data I used is from several million data mined No Limit Hold’em (limits $0.02 / $0.05, $0.25 / $ 0.50, $0.50 / $1.00, $1.00 / $2.00) cash game hands and scaled up and down for all other limits. Loose players always pay way more than tight players. Please note that the rake a player has to pay heavily depends on his play style. This method gives a pretty decent estimation, how much rake each player has to pay on average for each limit. The no-flop-no-drop-rule (in the case of the GGNetwork the rule that hands are only raked if there is a flop or a 3-bet preflop) was taken into account as well. Then it is easy to use the formal rake rules for each operator and limit to calculate how much rake is deducted for each pot. To calculate how much rake players actually pay at each limit, I took a huge sample of real-life online poker hands and compiled a list of all pot sizes in big blinds. How is the net rake for the rake comparison calculated? Due to rake caps and the no flop no drop rule this number is always lower than the formal rake percentage, even considerably lower for high stakes cash games. Over the long term, this amount is basically the amount of rake you pay compared to the pots you win. I explain below how I calculate the net rake. This is how much money you actually spend in rake compared to the pots you are playing. To answer this question and allow a general comparison of rake models, I use something called “ Net Rake”. For example: Playing $1 / $2 NLH, is it better to have to pay 3% rake with a $5 cap or 5% rake with a $3 cap? Percentage and cap don’t really tell you how much rake you have to pay for a certain game and make it difficult to compare different rake models. This rule is taken into account in this rake comparison. Here a hand is raked once there is a 3-bet or a flop. The GGNetwork is the exception to this rule. Meaning: No rake is collected if the hand is over before a flop is dealt. On top of that virtually all operators have a no-flop-no-drop rule. Cap: Once the rake reaches the cap no more rake is deducted for that pot (usually the cap is $3 to $5 for online games).Percentage: How many percent are taken from each pot (usually between 3% and 5% for online games).There are two parameters defining the rake: When playing cash games, a certain amount of money is taken from each pot for the operator. Online Poker Rake Calculator and Comparison Chart